Sunday, November 1, 2009

Shells on the Beach

As I was walking along the beach earlier tonight, I was in complete awe of the wonderful God we have. All things from the powerful waves of the ocean to the gentle breeze in the air are reminders of how majestic our Lord and Creator is. My midn wandered from the mountains in the distance to the city lights that create a trail down to the beach, and then to thousands of colorful shells and shiny pieces of glass half-hidden by the sand. As I looked down to make sure I wasn't in danger of slicing my foot open on any concealed dangers, and to admire some of the more intricate shells I had been passing up on my walk, I realized I was walking in footprints that had been left in the semi-wet sand. It's almost as if somebody had made a clear path for me, but still wanted me to experience the beauty of the beach. Then it dawned on me, "This is what it's like to follow God's path!" He leads us along trails that can be dangerous and threatening, but if we don't stray from his footsteps he's sure to keep us under his wing; all the while, revealing his majestic plan for us. Sure, sometimes going to church every Sunday and reading your Bible every morning can get boring, but maybe it's because we're not opening our eyes! Maybe we're too focused on the destination to realize all the beautiful things going on around us! Or maybe we're just so worried about avoiding the jagged glass as we walk that we miss out on the fascinating things that God's path offers on the way.

I'm going to be using this blog to share some of the 'shells', and possibly 'glass', that God has put in my walk in order for me to grow closer to Him during my time here in Ensenada. Be sure to check out my other blog at: << >> That one covers more of the intense lessons God is teaching me as I follow his path.

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